Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Georgia - Magazine Evaluation

In our production working as a team was an important element in our magazine making. In my opinion, our teamwork could definitely be improved if we were to work as a team in the future. The aspects that we could improve on is discussing the roles which we are doing and ensure that they are distributed equally. As in this project Amelia and I  finished our work before the deadline, but other members of the team failed to do so. Therefore the outstanding work - Meeting Proformas, Booking Forms, Risk Assessment, Production Schedule and the back cover, then ended up in it being our job to complete the outstanding work before it was too late, whilst others continued to finish their final individual piece.
In my opinion my strengths are being able to finish pieces of work within the project as well as doing other pieces of work which are vital for this project. Also I think part of my strengths is that I enjoy and can work well both individually and as a team. I enjoy working in a team as i like sharing and discussing ideas with people. And I also enjoy working individually as I do not have to stress and worry about other people completing their projects on time.  Another one of my strengths is that I love learning new things to apply when creating projects. I am aware of others feelings (empathy) as if someone has done something wrong, instead of pointing out the wrong thing and offending them. I would offer a way to improve/ change it. I also think that I am quite creative as I love drawing, writing stories and making new projects.
In my opinion my weaknesses are that I am not very decisive when it comes to making decisions, because I am scared that I will make the wrong decision and then regret it later or that my decision will ruin other peoples things. Another one of my weaknesses is that I am a perfectionist. This could also be considered as a strength as I always strive to ensure that my work is the best that it can be. Although, I see this as a weakness, because unless my work is flawless then I am not happy with it, and I will continue to edit and edit it, which can become quite annoying! I also think that I can be very critical and not very happy with my work, and pick out all the bad things with it. Whereas when it comes to other peoples work I am always really positive and supportive and suggesting ways in which they could maybe improve their work.

At the start of my individual project I decided that I would like to do the ‘Who Wore It Best?’ page. This is basically where there are a couple of celebrities who are wearing the same dress. The audience then chooses which celebrity they think looks the best, and then they give the celebrity a mark out of ten, the woman with the most votes wins. The software that I used for this project was Photoshop. I used this as I found it quite easy to use as I have used it quite a few times before, so I know my way around it. I also find that Photoshop is a good software to use for when editing and experimenting with photos, as in my project the centre focus of it was the pictures of the celebrities. The aspects of the project which i found to work quite well was that Amelia and I successfully managed to complete all of the outstanding work before the deadline. Also I think that the magazines theme worked quite well for all of us, as all of the final pieces matched the theme which we had chosen. The aspects that I found difficult during this project was choosing where to place everything on my magazine, as there was a lot to put on my page and I did not want it to look cramped. Also I found cutting out each picture so I just had the silhouette of the women was hard, as it was tricky to get a perfect rounded edge. The things that went wrong with the project, was that members in our group did not complete their work on time. So the work that was supposed to be done as a group, had be completed by the other two members in the group. If i was to do this project again the things that i would change is that i would maybe work with a different group to see if we do any better than we did last time we did the project, and also it is a good way to socialise with people who you might not usually talk to. I would also change the page i was doing, so that I could come up with new ideas and learn different skills which are required for that project.

I used a range of techniques in my project. Firstly, with the front cover which was done by Amelia and I, we thought that using a typeface that looked handwritten would look really good on our magazine. As a handwritten looking typeface looks laidback and more personal to the reader, and it fits the theme of the magazine rather than using a really hard, bulky font. To do this we acquired a small paint brush, black ink and some paper and practised writing our cover line over and over, till we were happy with it. We then used the scanner to scan the handwritten typefaces in so that we could use them on our front cover.
Then for my individual page I used the cutting tool, which I used to cut round the celebrity so i just had the silhouette of her. To do this you need to zoom in on the object you want to cut round - so that you have an easier view of where you are cutting. Then you just slowly click round the outside of the object till you go all the way round and meet the point where you started at. Click on the first point, click ‘copy selection’ and then paste it onto your document.
For all of the text on my page I used a type of effect to make the text look more interesting and attractive. I used things on my text such as bevel/embossing, shadows, outlines, bolding it etc. Also I drew squares using the shape tool. These squares were for decoration to make my page look more interesting and I also used them as a background for text.

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