Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Emma Gammon - problem page

Milagro- Gossip Page

Back Cover - Advert

By Amelia Davies & Georgia McCoy

Standard Risk Assessment Form

Standard Risk Assessment Form      (Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999)

Activity Assessed: Photography

Date: Anytime after half term.

Review by Date:

Project Name: Magazine - CHIC

Assessed by:

Authorised by:

Potential Hazards

Level of Risk

Existing Control Measures



Pack tests. Which test every electrical device in the school, every year.



Don’t touch the light bulbs if they have recently been turned on.

Trip Hazards


Make sure all cables and leads are tidy and out of areas in use.

 RSI (wrist strain)


Avoid continuous use of keyboards and computers for long periods of time, whilst taking breaks every 20 minutes or so.

 By Georgia McCoy 

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Equipment Request Form




PUPIL – for school use

Today’s Date: 16/10/2012                                   


Date of use: 24th July 2012            
Start time/period:  13:10pm – Period 4
End time/period:




Apple Mac

By Georgia McCoy & Amelia Davies

Friday, 23 March 2012

Plan 2

Georgia- she decided that she wanted to do the who wore it best because she is interested in fashion and celebrities. She wanted to create a page that shows the different fashion styles about different celebrities. 

Amelia- chose to do the interviews page because she enjoys finding out information about celebrities also with her good knowledge with English this was a great role for her to play when creating the page because she loves writing about different things. she is interested in finding out people's different opinions. 

Georgia and Amelia decided to create the front cover together because with both their knowledge of celebrities also the fact that they are a good team at working together. Also they both share the same passion and know the skills needed to create the front cover. They also had the ideas on how how they were going to design the front cover. Amelia who likes writing came up with the language used and Georgia who is good at designing the layout of the front cover. Another reason why they decided to do the front cover is because they both have a lot of skills when it comes to using photoshop and other media skills which helped them when creating the page 

Emma decided that she was going to do the problems page because she likes being able to sort out people's problems. This was an opportunity to do what she likes doing advising people as well as solving what they needed. Emma knows some of the skills and because she knew how she was going to create the page this was a great chance for her to do the problems page 

Milagro- i decided that i was going to do the gossip page because i am more interested in what is in the gossip side of the magazine also because i had the skills and some of the knowledge that needed to create the gossip page. I'm interested in what celebrities are doing in their lives... Also because i do not have all the skills using photoshop this was an opportunity for me to explore and see what i can learn and do whilst doing the gossip page. 

Milagro and Emma decided to do the contents page together i helped Emma designing the layout and Emma created the page because she had more knowledge on some of the media skills that were needed. We wanted to the contents page because we felt like we could create a page that was suitable for the magazine. 

Done By Milagro Kasese